Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Buying new lacrosse arm pads

I recently found out why my arms have more slash marks after the game than everyone else. It was always a contest between one of our crazy players and I. But since he moved on, I’ve been leading the contest and by a long way.

While it may look macho, it really sucks. I get bruises on top of bruises and every once in a while I get hit right on the unguarded part of my forearm and my whole hand goes numb for the rest of the game. A new player from another state joined us the other week and he said I’ve got the wrong type of arm pads.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Buying a new lacrosse shaft

Lacrosse shafts have got to be the hardest product to buy. For an attack player, there’s about 100 to choose from. And it’s not like you can ignore half of them because they’re no good. There are at least 100 top quality shafts to pick from, and each one deserves consideration.

Whether you have broken your shaft, or just want to upgrade it really doesn’t make a difference. You’ll sit there, like me and scratch your head. What’s the difference between the Brine Scandium and the STX Titanium? Oh, and there’s a Warrior Titanium/Aluminium alloy, what’s up with that? Hey, there’s a composite too. What’s a composite? Oh my god, someone help me!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Buying new lacrosse gloves

The palms of my lacrosse gloves fell apart today. You know how it goes, you're driving on your right, you come back on the left and crank up for a shot, only for you to just lose a bit of grip on your stick and the shot goes wide.

My gloves are a little old, shall we say. Eight years old to be exact. They're not the ones with the mesh palms. These are the part leather; part god knows what other fabric. Whatever else was there is gone now. My fingers fit so perfectly as well, it's going to be hard changing to a new pair. But I'm sure I won't miss the bruised knuckles from where the paddings packed out and the defenders always seem to hit.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Buying new lacrosse shoulder pads

For the past few month's I'd been debating whether to purchase a set of lacrosse shoulder pads. It hadn’t been a problem playing without them. In fact the extra movement was great. No restrictive straps around my chest and arms. But I copped the biggest hit on the weekend and now I'm in the market!

Like I said, the unrestricted movement you get while not wearing them is great. But my collar bone was sore for about a week. I missed all the next weeks training and barely pulled up for the following game. I borrowed an old set of shoulder pads from a team mate and that got me through the game.