Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Buying new lacrosse shoulder pads

For the past few month's I'd been debating whether to purchase a set of lacrosse shoulder pads. It hadn’t been a problem playing without them. In fact the extra movement was great. No restrictive straps around my chest and arms. But I copped the biggest hit on the weekend and now I'm in the market!

Like I said, the unrestricted movement you get while not wearing them is great. But my collar bone was sore for about a week. I missed all the next weeks training and barely pulled up for the following game. I borrowed an old set of shoulder pads from a team mate and that got me through the game.

His set had the arm attachments which went down to just above my bicep. These suck big time. This is what I found to be the most restrictive part. Half way through the game I was going to ask him if I could cut them off! I made do and finished off the game, albeit my worst for the season. No assists, no goals, 2 ground balls and about 100 death stares from my coach.

I came across lacrossegearreview.com, which is great for searching for lacrosse shoulder pads. This site had it all. They have gear from Brine, STX, Gait, Warrior and all the other major brands. They even have a specific category for shoulder pads which don't have the arm attachment. They're called shoulder pad liners in case you're wondering.

So if you're in the market for a set of lacrosse shoulder pads, check them out.