Tuesday 21 January 2014

Buying a new lacrosse chest pad

It’s a common thing said about lacrosse goal keepers, they’re all a bit crazy. Who in their right mind would stand in front of a net while people throw rocks at them at around 150mph? It’s madness! It takes a certain breed of person to stand in the cage. They are a breed unto themselves.

Our club keeper told us he’s going to get a new lacrosse chest pad a while back. That sort of statement is just asking for trouble! One of the guys quipped “Why bother, the ball never hits you anyway!” Another “It’ll just get in the way when you get the ball out of the cage!” This went on for the rest of the session.

I spoke to our goalie the next day and asked him how he was going. He said he’d been searching around and found this cool website called www.lacrosegearreview.com. It had all the information he needed and he was able to find the store with the cheapest price.

His main questions were around the varieties. Some had shoulder attachments and some didn’t. Some were fitted with belly pads, and on some of the chest pads, the belly pad was removable.

The shoulder sections of the chest pad did seem to be a bit superfluous, he said. He hardly ever saves a shot with his shoulders. His stick was always in front of his left shoulder (he’s left handed) and can’t remember ever being hit there. His right shoulder maybe once or twice. The shoulder pads did impede his movement a bit, so he decided to go for a model without them.

The belly pad was a must! He’d lost count how many times he’s been hit in the guts. Funny thing though, it was mainly at training. We must be really bad shooters. I don’t know if he went with a fixed or removable belly pad, but he’s got one.

Trying to research all this information himself would have been tricky. He was pretty happy that he could find the chest pad he wanted and see all the stores that sold it.

He’s happily wearing his new chest pad and we’re happily giving his belly pad a good workout!